2023 第 12 屆 ACG 文化國際學術研討會暨巴哈姆特論文獎徵稿開始


Notice : If you hold Japanese or People’s Republic of China citizenship or reside in Japan, China, please refer to the following English and Japanese versions of the submission website:



ACG 文化國際學術研討會暨巴哈姆特論文獎 2023 徵稿

ACG 文化國際學術研討會從 2012 年於國立交通大學數位文創動畫學程創設以來,在主辦人梁世佑(RainReader)與多位教授的支持與努力之下,已成為國內乃至於亞洲動漫遊戲娛樂與產業中最重要的研討會。


隨著 U-ACG 將公司和研究業務到日本發展後,我們非常興奮和大家宣布今年的徵搞消息,並計畫邀請各位來參加這前所未有的嶄新學術研討會!

2023 ACG 文化國際學術研討會暨巴哈姆特論文獎投稿要點

今年的研討會預定於 2023 年 11 月 22 日至 25 日在日本慶應大學日吉校區舉辦。將結合學術知識、國際交流、產業媒合、聖地巡禮、趨勢論壇,將研討會、產業、工作和旅行進行跨界整合。

我們將招待錄取者在行程內的全程住宿與相關活動之參加花費,並實際與來自其他國家之 ACG 領域研究者、或是學者專家、產業老闆進行對談和深入討論,讓參加者體驗前所未有之知識、視覺、聽覺、味覺之感官饗宴。



● 報名日期| 即日起至 2023 年 7 月 30 日(先到先審)
●論文繳交截止| 10 月 30 日(有可能變動)
●複審錄取通知|11 月10 日(有可能變動)

● 2023 報名網址| https://forms.gle/9LPiJKnfTCqoCzKYA



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[email protected]

或在 FB 粉絲頁私訊詢問

If you need more information about this conference or wish to refer to past paper presentation outcomes, please refer to the following link:

Official Conference Website

2022 11th Academic Conference Venue: Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology
2021 10th Academic Conference Venue: National Central University
2020  9th Academic Conference Venue: National Taipei University
2019  8th Academic Conference Venue: Chung Yuan Christian University, Keio University
2018  7th Academic Conference Venue: Tunghai University
2017  6th Academic Conference Venue: Chinese Culture University
2016  5th Academic Conference Venue: Tamkang University
● 2015  4th Academic Conference Venue: National Tsing Hua University
● 2012-14 1st to 3rd Academic Conferences Venue: National Chiao Tung University (now Yang Ming Chiao Tung University)

This link will take you to the official website of the conference, where you can find more detailed information about the conference, including past paper presentation outcomes and related resources.