目前日本排名第一、持有房間數量最多的連鎖旅館是 APA GROUP。最近因為位置方便臨時住了幾晚,連鎖飯店在房間內放置自家的雜誌、書刊作為宣傳並不意外,但是 APA 的刊物則吸引了我的注意,
雜誌叫做「Apple Town」,這一期的內容是討論靖國神社的英靈如何作為日本的驕傲,另外還有數本期刊,叫做「理論:近現代史學~真正的日本歷史」,
眾所皆知,APA 夫妻檔都是網紅,作為社長的元谷芙美子早在十幾年前把自己的臉掛在旅館招牌上,還賣起了咖哩和飲料,自然旅館內所有的刊物都是 APA 集團的會長元谷外志雄(筆名「藤誠志」)的作品。
例如,除了用旅館雜誌宣傳自身的理念外,元谷還創設了一個學院、籌辦「APA 日本再興大賞」和論文獎「真實的近現代史觀」,頒發包含優秀論文賞、佳作賞等;大獎就直接用自己名字命名,叫做「最優秀藤誠志論文賞」。
其次,因為 APA 在日本目前的持有的房間數量高達 12 萬餘間(截止自 2025.1 的資料,共有 120,654 間房間),目前日本最大房間數的前幾名獨棟旅館都是 APA 集團持有,
每個房間至少備一冊加上補充品,則每冊 / 月的印量至少就是十萬冊起跳。換言之,該雜誌或論文集完全不需要對外販售、更不需要考慮廣告。
剛好最近台灣也在吵文化補助的事情,彷彿沒有「補助」則文化事業就無法維持下去。從這個角度看,APA 集團會長不僅是在傳播個人的政治與歷史觀,更是運用自身資源,在一個完全非傳統的媒介上實現文化與商業利益的雙重布局。
從歷史的角度來看,利用自有平台傳播思想並非新鮮事。19 世紀歐洲的大企業家常利用自己的印刷廠和報刊發表政治觀點,試圖塑造公眾輿論;
20 世紀初,許多國家則利用國家控制的媒體進行宣傳,以加強統治理念的滲透。伴隨網路興起,KOL 、個人品牌網紅掌握了流量和發言權,APA 的會長或是社長都是善於經營自己品牌的人,
Bridging Business and Ideology: APA Group’s Cross-Domain Cultural Integration
APA Group, Japan’s largest hotel chain by room count, has embraced a strategy that goes far beyond traditional hospitality. Rather than keeping its operations strictly commercial, the group actively disseminates its ideological perspective through in‐room publications and related cultural initiatives.
This approach, which intertwines business success with political and cultural messaging, challenges conventional market practices.
One striking example of this strategy is the presence of distinctive publications available in every APA hotel room. Among these is the magazine Apple Town, whose current issue features an article extolling the valor of the spirits enshrined at Yasukuni Shrine as symbols of national pride.
Additionally, each room offers periodicals under the title Theory: Modern and Contemporary Historical Studies – The Real History of Japan. These titles, far removed from typical travel brochures, signal a deliberate effort to engage guests with content that is as ideological as it is promotional.
At the helm of this initiative is APA Group’s chairman, Motoya Toshio—writing under the pen name “Fujiseishi”—and his wife, a prominent online personality who also represents the brand. Together, they infuse the company’s communications with a clear right-wing perspective, encapsulated in the familiar rallying cry,
“Make Japan Great Again.” While such overt political messaging might seem risky in a service industry that traditionally aims for neutrality, APA Group’s leadership appears undeterred.
They prioritize the propagation of their cultural and political views over the possibility of alienating some customers, banking on the loyalty of a supportive audience.
Beyond the publications distributed in hotel rooms, APA Group has extended its reach into academic and cultural fields. The chairman has founded an academy and established several awards, including the “APA Japan Renaissance Award” and a paper prize titled “Real Modern and Contemporary Historical Views.”
The latter is divided into multiple categories, with the highest honor—the “Most Outstanding Fujiseishi Paper Award”—bearing his own name. The award ceremonies attract a distinguished audience comprising university presidents, legislators, and business leaders, effectively merging academia, politics, and commerce under one banner.
This multifaceted approach raises interesting questions about the balance between commercial interests and cultural influence.
On one hand, the open display of political ideology in a hospitality setting risks alienating international customers—especially those who might not understand Japanese or resonate with the specific ideological leanings.
For instance, many guests from China might overlook these materials, which may lessen the impact on the international market. Yet, APA Group seems to have calculated that its vast domestic influence and resource base can support such a strategy without jeopardizing its core business.
The sheer scale of APA’s operations underscores the ambition behind this strategy. As of January 2025, APA Group boasts over 120,000 hotel rooms, ensuring that at least one copy of these publications reaches every guest.
With a monthly circulation exceeding 100,000 copies, the internal distribution network forms a self-sustaining ecosystem that supports not only the company’s promotional activities but also a miniature publishing industry.
In this way, APA Group has managed to create an internal cultural economy, independent of external advertising revenues or market pressures.
Historically, the use of commercial platforms to disseminate political ideas is not unprecedented. In 19th-century Europe, influential industrialists owned printing presses and newspapers to sway public opinion. Similarly, state-run media in the early 20th century served to propagate government ideologies.
In the digital age, the rise of social media and personal branding has further blurred the lines between commerce and cultural influence. APA Group’s strategy is a modern iteration of this historical trend—a deliberate crossing of traditional boundaries between business, culture, and politics.
In summary, APA Group’s bold integration of ideological messaging into its hospitality operations illustrates a novel approach to corporate strategy. By leveraging its extensive resources and market dominance, the group not only enhances its brand identity but also exerts significant cultural and political influence.
This cross-domain integration—merging business with academic and ideological pursuits—demonstrates how contemporary corporations can serve as platforms for broader societal debates, redefining the role of commerce in the cultural sphere.
事業と思想の架け橋 ― APAグループの横断型文化
まず、APA旅館の各客室には、企業独自の雑誌や刊行物が設置されている。特に目を引いたのは、雑誌『Apple Town』と、各室に置かれている『理論:近現代史学~本当の日本の歴史』という期刊である。
『Apple Town』の最新号では、靖国神社の英霊がいかに日本の誇りとして位置づけられているかが論じられており、また、期刊のタイトル自体も、一般的な旅館の付属資料とはかけ離れた学術的・政治的ニュアンスを持っている。
さらに、APAグループが保有する部屋数は 2025 年 1 月時点で 12 万 654 室に上り、各客室に刊行物が必ず配布されることで、月間の発行部数は10万部を超える。これにより、同社は外部での販売や広告収入に依存することなく、内部的な供給・需要サイクルを確立し、独自の出版産業を育んでいる。
さらに、インターネットの台頭により、個人ブランドやネット有名人が影響力を持つ時代となった今、APA グループのような企業が、単なる利益追求の枠を超えて文化価値の発信基地となるという考え方は、グローバルかつデジタル化した現代社会において、ますます重要な意味を持つようになっている。